⏰️World health day

2022 motto: Our planet our health
One world.. One health policy 

🔹wake up call:

🔸99% air polluted in world
🔸1.3cr death by environmental causes
🔸major disease to death Heart disease 
🔸in developed countries it is Cancer.
🔸in developing countries it is lung cancer

🔹What's Up??

🔸air pollution
🔸animal born diseases
🔸antibiotic resistance

🔹Line up..
🔸prevention is better than cure
🔸change to healthy lifestyle
🔸make a harmony with the nature
🔸set a biological clock between nature and human
🔸follow the Ayurvedic Routine 'Dinacharya'
🔸follw the Ayurvedic seasonal Rituals Rithuchaya
🔸Care about women's and child regiments in Ayurveda
🔸Menstral regiment for health of women.
🔸Geriatriccare in Ayurveda
🔸Rejuvintive Ayurveda

 Remember you have the capacity to choose choose life! choose health!choose happiness!!

Till next topic Namasthe 🙏🏻
..with love AnnaNathasha

Dr. Jayalakshmi Lenin
Ayurvedic M. D/Freelance Ayurvedic content writer
Macureayurvedic Lifestyle 


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